Islamic Finance

Where an individual or company needs a shari’ah compliant financing.

Fincorp Credit Limited driven by the need from the clientele they interact with has developed and introduced Islamic products and services to meet its customer needs.

This will lead to penetration and supporting financial inclusion of the many citizens left out in this eco-system. To achieve our goals, Fincorp Credit Limited adopts customer centric approach as opposed to product centricity for a seamless service offering.

The basic principles of Islamic finance are built upon the avoidance of Riba (interest/usury), Gharar (ambiguity and uncertainty present in a contractual relationship) and the prohibition of impermissible businesses as stated in the Holy Quran.

Fincorp Credit Limited adopted the Islamic microfinance business model in October 2022. This is supported by the renowned Sulh Consultancy Company (Shari’ah Supervisory Board) to promote Shari’ah Compliant products at FCL.

Fincorp Credit Limited Islamic Finance products and services are built on Shari’ah principles that are not only designed to drive its financial growth but are also in line with their values. They offer a variety of unique solutions which are compliant and reveal their promise of empowering their customers to prosperity.

FCL Islamic Finance rides on the platform of its core values i.e. Transparency, Integrity, and Professionalism​​. FCL’s principal strategy is to maintain its position as the leading Microfinance Islamic institution in the region. FCL has been proactive in creating local partnerships for the betterment of its clients.

Why Islamic Finance

Financial inclusions: To cater for the unbanked Muslims craving for Riba free facilities and in general Shari’ah compliant products and services. However, Islamic microfinance is not meant for Muslims only but all people regardless of their religious affiliations.

Principles of shariah Islamic Banking

Islamic Banking is a system of banking that operates in accordance with the rules of Shari’ah (Islamic Commercial Law).

One of the most important characteristics of Islamic financing is that it is an asset-backed financing.

Prohibition of Riba:

Riba in banking terms can be defined as “any stipulated additional amount over the principal in a transaction of loan or debt.” It is prohibited in Islam for a lender to impose an excess of what he has lent upon repayment.

Risk Sharing:

The provider of capital and the entrepreneur share business risks in return for a share of profits. The risks are associated with the profit and loss distribution of the asset/investment.

Prohibition of speculative (Gharar):

The system discourages hoarding and prohibits transactions featuring extreme uncertainty and risks.

Sanctity of contracts:

Islam upholds contractual obligations and the disclosure of information as a sacred duty. This feature is intended to reduce the risk of asymmetric information and moral hazards.

FCL Islamic Finance is about relationship as it is about enabling your business to succeed

By means of a dedicated relationship management approach, our innovative and flexible Shari’ah compliant solutions ensure that the unique requirements of your businesses are met within the highest standard of Shari’ah.

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**Note: For exceeding 120 no. of payments, a group of 12 payments will be combined into a single payment number for better chart visibility.

Period Payment Interest Balance

Calculator Disclaimer

The repayment amount shown using this calculator is an estimate, based on information you have provided. It is provided for illustrative purposes only and actual repayment amounts may vary. To find out actual repayment amounts, contact us. This calculation does not constitute a quote, loan approval, agreement or advice by My Finance. It does not take into account your personal or financial circumstances.



